Catholicism 101: Forever Learning and Living the Faith
Learning the Catholic Faith is a lifelong process. For many of us, it may have had a rocky start from a lack-luster classroom experience, being a disinterested student, or a lack of exposure to the teachings of the Faith. Catholicism 101 is here to fill in the gaps from your Religious Education experience as well as serve as an aid in your lifelong learning of the Faith. Not only will we talk about WHAT the Church teaches, but WHY she teaches it. Hopefully along the way we will find ourselves falling deeper into the heart of Christ as we learn more about His heart for us.
"Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope." 1 Peter 3:15
Have a question about the Faith you’d like to have answered on the Podcast? Submit it here:
Emily Gipson | Director of Catechetical Formation - St. Mary of the Woods Catholic Church | Whitesville, KY
Catholicism 101: Forever Learning and Living the Faith
E9: The Pope (Catholic or Protestant: What's the Difference?)
For Episodes 2-10 we'll be diving into the 9 key differences between Catholicism and Protestantism in a series called Catholic or Protestant: What's the Difference?
In today's episode we'll be talking about the Pope and why we have one! We'll explore the Biblical roots of the Papacy as well as gain an authentic understanding of Papal Infallibility and the various levels of magisterial teaching. Lastly, we'll learn how to pray for our Holy Father.
Bible Passages Quoted:
-Matthew 16:18-19
-Matthew 10:2
-Acts of the Apostles (see 3rd resource below)
Why Catholics Have A Pope | Fr. Mike Schmitz
Popes 101 | Catholic Central
The Papacy in Scripture: No Rocks Required | Catholic Answers
Papal Infallibility | Catholic Answers
Four Levels of the Church's Teaching | EWTN
Does God Pick the Pope? | Catholic Answers
Have a question about the Faith you’d like to have answered on the Podcast? Submit it here: